You may see free Pinterest audits all over the place… are they going to get you anywhere? Here’s a fun review: “I honestly expected a quick 5 min review where someone would tell me everything they already told me by following their content…” That’s not what you get with my FREE or paid audits.
But this isn’t just about me.. why would you want to spend the time getting a Pinterest audit?

Pinterest Audits: Regurgitated Content???
Many entrepreneurs think that Pinterest audits will just be told the same thing they already know… and the truth is. You might!
And the truth is, after performing over 100 audits over a years time, entrepreneurs know what they need to but aren’t able to apply it in a way that’s beneficial to their business. And thats what a Pinterest audit is for.
3 Reasons You Want A Pinterest Audit
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1. Optimize Your Performance
In an audit, I’ll look at how you’re using your keywords, and how they relate to your business, what you’re selling, and your strategy to making an income. There’s a difference between setting up your Pinterest profile to show off your Etsy shop, and a Pinterest profile to attract clients ready to BUY from your Etsy shop.
An audit will allow an expert to look at it from a distance, and connect the dots to your keywords and business strategy… dots you’re not able to see being so close to the project and business (or just lack of experience with Pinterest keywords).
2. Maximize ROI.
An audit will look at how you’re using your Pinterest profile and boards in conjunction with your business website. How you’re creating pins and using the pins to attract leads or potential clients. You’ll learn a better way to adapt your pins to ultimately bring you in more money.
3. Growth
I’ve been around Pinterest for years… and see many old washed-out strategies still being applied to Pinterest marketing strategies today. It’s not your fault… a lot of them just take pre-generated AI ideas, or basic things they’ve learned. With a Pinterest audit we’ll look at where you are at, where you want to be, and how you can boost that growth from your overall Pinterest strategy… because it’s more than keywords and pin
Action Step
If you haven’t gotten a Pinterest audit, then I recommend thinking about getting one. I’ve got free to paid options depending on where you’re at in your business.
- Paid audits from your Foundational Fix Up to your Accelerator Analysis.
- I offer every member who joins me free Facebook group the chance for a free mini-audit (very beneficial)
- I have a free 30-minute training covering the 3 biggest mistakes I’ve seen with almost every Pinterest profile after doing 100+ audits in the last year. Watch it here.
In Conclusion
Whether it’s a free Pinterest audit, or a paid audit, after implementing the tips you’ve learned, you’ll start seeing growth wit your Pinterest account sooner, than later. And I’ve got loads of testimonials proving it (just scroll through them here).