Pinterest Marketing Without A Website: 3 Strategies to get started

Today is all about Pinterest marketing—specifically, how you can start making money on Pinterest, even if you don’t have a website. Yep, you read that right. No website? No problem! Now, let’s be clear: having a website definitely helps with Pinterest marketing. It makes things easier and gives you a more professional look. But does […]

How to Improve Pinterest Conversions

Recently, someone reached out in my free group with a great question. “I grew my Pinterest account organically, then went to Pinterest ads and scaled it even more. But with over 500 visits to my sales page, I didn’t make any money with paid ads. What’s going on?” This is a great point, so we’re […]

How to Set Up Your Pinterest SEO Strategy

You may be here because you heard someone say how important SEO is with Pinterest… so lets do a quick dive into the why, and then cover setting up your Pinterest SEO Strategy. First off, Pinterest is a search engine. Think Google and YouTube. Users go to those platforms when they have questions that need […]

How to find your NICHE on Pinterest

The BEST way to see the most growth with Pinterest marketing, is staying within your niche. After doing over 100 Pinterest audits, about 90% of entrepreneurs and online business owners, they still haven’t quite figured out how to get their Pinterest profile niched down enough for the best growth. If you’re new to Pinterest, or […]

3 Reasons You Need A Pinterest Audit

You may see free Pinterest audits all over the place… are they going to get you anywhere? Here’s a fun review: “I honestly expected a quick 5 min review where someone would tell me everything they already told me by following their content…” That’s not what you get with my FREE or paid audits. But […]

What Am I Missing With My Pinterest Strategy

The other day someone asked, “I have a Pinterest guide, the boards, SEO, and attractive graphics, but missing something to convert my views to clicks… what am I missing?” This is a question I get at least once a month. With so many Pinterest checklists and free training out there, it’s easy to feel like […]

Pinning for Christmas And Black Friday

It’s time! Did you know you could start pinning for Christmas up to 6 months in advance? And most holidays, like Black Friday, are about 3 months in advance. So, are you ready to learn the best tips for using Pinterest marketing to make holiday sales? Pinning for Christmas And Black Friday This was the […]

5 Ways to Jump-Start Your Business

Are you ready to maximize your take on the millions of dollars spent in the last quarter of the year? How can you jumpstart your business growth and take advantage of the biggest spending months this year? I’m diving into 5 things you can do now to boost your business growth. 5 Ways to Jump-Start […]

Who Benefits From Pinterest Marketing

Before investing the time and knowledge into learning a new social media platform, we often want to know “Will it work for me?”. Let’s discuss who will benefit from Pinterest marketing, and what types of business owners can trust that their time investing in Pinterest will pay off in the long run. What type of […]

5 Steps After Getting Traffic From Pinterest

Question: I’m getting traffic from a pin, what can I do to boost this? Yay! Pinterest is finally starting to drive traffic, that is so exciting! Here are 5 next steps to get the most out of your Pinterest traffic from that single pin. Listen or watch below for what to do after a pin […]

Charisse Merrill

Want Your Profile Professionally Made?

Want Your Profile Professionally Made?

Want Your Profile Professionally Made?